Train story


Once, perhaps during the Big Strike that made it onto swedish television, there was a terrible accident on the train line going from Nimba to Buchanan. The medicin-man of one of the villages along the line had decided that the train was taking away Nimba's spirit as it carted the many tons of iron-ore to the sea. He therefore decided to stop the train one night. The train-driver was a white guy - an englishman or a Swede. As the huge train roared through the African night he suddenly saw a wild figure standing on the tracks with uplifted arms in the engine headlights: He slammed on the brakes, but the train was heavy - 90 wagons of iron ore, each weighing 90 tons, they used to say. Sparks flew everywhere as the train slid to a rest, but not before pulverizing the medicin-man on the tracks! The inhabitants of the neighbouring village rioted and swarmed over the train trying to get at the driver who had wisely locked himself in the cab. All night he sat there; finally help arrived.

The shipments of Nimba ore continued of course - but the medicin-man did stop the train that night.